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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mother's Day!!!!

Mother's Day is literally right around the corner…. Stop in the shop and shop for mom! We have so many great gifts to choose from…. These are just a VERY FEW of the things we have to choose from!

Beautiful flowers… what a great bouquet this would make… and lasts forever ;)

I am just in love with these little 'jewelry boxes!' … However, you could store whatever you want in them…. 3 drawers… 

Snoozies! For Summer! They are so comfy… I have a pair from the winter collection… now I want a pair of these… little ballet like slippers… 

Hydrangea wreath… Gorgeous colors!

Or a new belt??!?? Fun, Fashionable, and super lightweight!!!!!


design + development by kelly christine studio