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Friday, March 15, 2013


...In the last several years (since I was a Senior in high school to be exact) March has managed to bring painful moments in my life. From losing friends in car accidents, comforting friends who have lost loved ones, to losing loved ones to cancer...Its officially a month that I would prefer to sleep through....This week alone has brought me to tears on several occasions.

I've followed and read the Kelley's blog.... there are no words for what they are experiencing. Being a mother myself, my heart literally aches for them.... and just this morning I learned that the man who lost his life in the car accident in Oakland Mills, was the father of an old high school friend.....and also the Amish families and friends that lost a mother, a wife, a daughter, a granddaughter, a sibling... and let's not forget the man who was driving the truck and his family...

I've learned that: you should always count your blessings, tell those you love, that you love them; and do it every day, a tomorrow is never promised!!! .... Trust the Lord with all your heart... with all your mind... and all your soul.... His plans are bigger and better than we could ever imagine... Lean hard into Him in all the moments of doubt... and moments of sadness....and moments of weakness....

For those of you from the area, they are asking anyone that feels moved to participate in a pink balloon releasing at Cedar Grove church parking lot at 6:30p.m. I, myself, have never met sweet, Hannah, however, after reading their blog and seeing all her photos ... I sure feel like I know her! Those of you that cannot attend and wish to release a balloon, I am sure that the families would appreciate it... They are sharing photos of all these events on a Facebook page for the families to see..

All of us girls' from the shop will continue to pray and lift up all those effected by these tragic events that have occurred this week... over the next few days, the weeks, and even months to come in these families and friends lives... all our love and blessings. oxo

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